

An exclusive look at BRAVO?s TVnext presentation on ?Last Chance Kitchen?s? transmedia success

While you watch today?s TVnext event taking place in Boston (live stream), keep an eye out for BRAVO?s Lisa Hsia?s 10:15am ET talk. Lisa gave us an exclusive look at her presentation and the impressive stats she?ll be talking about. Lisa?s about to give a presentation on the social success of BRAVO?s Top Chef�Last Chance Kitchen. Some of the�successes�included growth of those catching up on the show via mobile, which Hsia describes in her presentation as part of the ?transmedia? highlights of the show?s digital successes. The show?s Twitter growth and ?Fan Favorite? votes, a social part of their website, were also testament to the multi-screen viewing options they created:

- Fan generated over 114MM points and 560K votes for Fan�Favorite, up +23% vs. the most recent regular season of Top Chef�(TC7)

- The unique Twitter handles that mentioned Top Chef grew 25%�over the course of the show, while the unique Twitter handles that�mentioned Last Chance Kitchen almost doubled in that same time�period.

- 8 million + video streams across web, hulu, VOD, mobile, iTunes, which makes it the most streamed video series at NBC Universal ever.

- 26% of the Top Chef show audience was watching LCK towards the end (increased 4 fold).

- Even though web was the dominant platform, mobile delivered twice the average weekly growth. e.g. we promoted to web for messaging?s sake, but fans figure out VOD and mobile pretty quickly.

- Once people found the series, they would ?catch-up,? and screen the ones they missed, so having the video player autoplay backwards was KEY to success.

- When Nyesha got bumped after a 5-time winning streak beaten by the controversial Bev, Last Chance Kitchen/Bev/Nyesha captured 26% of the social conversation. �And streams increased 18% that week, including Last Chance Kitchen trending worldwide on Twitter. �Indication that social messaging can boost scale.

Hsia will also explain how sponsor ROI is determined and how much more depth is provided to their sponsors when ?TV + Online + Emerging? is factored into the equation instead of just TV. Toyota was the big sponsor of the show that this research was developed for.

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