

SXSW: HBO ?Girls? creator Lena Dunham on how Twitter has affected her creative process

Posted by on March 15, 2012

The talk of the town at this year?s SXSW Interactive was that the ?social media bubble? was here. I even sat on a panel on just that topic. There were endless registration lines, long waits to packed panel sessions and millions of trees worth of one-sheets on new social media platforms flying through the air. SXSW Film was also underway, where tons of TV writers, creators, directors, producers and actors had all come to talk about their new projects. While I?m not sure if these TV folks have heard of GetGlue or Miso yet, many of them have built a powerful presence on Twitter.

As we mentioned in our recap of Hill Holliday?s TVnext, the future of social TV lies with the ?yoot? (queue up My Cousin Vinny) who?s nascent understanding of social will instantly change TV from every aspect. 25-year-old Lena Dunham is one of these young gals who after writing, creating and staring in the popular indie film ?Tiny Furniture? scored a deal with HBO and convinced legend Judd Apatow to produce her new show, HBO Girls, that she now writes, partially directs and stars in. Lost Remote scored the last question at her panel yesterday where we asked how writing in 140-characters (she currently has over 30,000 followers) has affected her TV writing. Her answer was very impressive. Here?s the video:

??As a writers room we do a lot of tweeting at each other and a lot of favoriting of each others tweets in front of each other, it condenses your observations and starts dialogues, but I actually try to save things for the show and not put them on Twitter. I don?t want to be recycling Twitter ideas ? Twitter?s sort of a receptacle for things that have no home and the things that really do have a home go on a sticky note ? but I do want to see a TV show of Judd [Apatow] fighting with all his Twitter followers.?

By the way, the HBO Girls hashtag #mistakesGIRLSmake was all over SXSW, from posters and T-shirts to bicycles. The show premieres on April 15th.

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